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Halcomb Plumbing, Inc.


Halcomb Plumbing Fleet Van

Water Pressure

High & Low Water Pressure

Water Pressure gauge

Water Pressure


Water Sprays or Blasts

Faucets are Leaking

Toilets Leaking
from the Base

Abundance of Fast, Powerful Water Throughout


Difficult to
Take a Shower

Water Comes
Out as a Trickle

Toilets Take Forever
to Refill

Determine if pressure
is within safe range

Review Risks of High
Water Pressure

Learn How to Prevent
Damage to Fixtures
Halcomb Plumbing plumber at work
lavatory sink

Effects of High Water Pressure

Excessive Water Pressure May Cause
Flooded basement or main level
Running toilets, leaking faucets, damage to appliances
Banging or noisy water pipes when turning water on or off
Water spraying sideways or "spitting" when water is turned on at faucet
Shortened water heater life
Reduced washing machine or dishwasher life due to leaks
Septic drainfield flooding and failure if your home is connected to a septic system
Increased sewer bill costs in communities who base their sewer charges on water usage metering.
Increased hot water heating costs.
Wasted water - running water at higher-than-needed pressure
Halcomb Plumbing plumber with tool bag

"A Pressure Reducing Valve (PRV) is standard in every home and it's essential to maintain proper water pressure throughout your home. PRVs typically last 15 - 20 years, however neglecting to replace them can result in High Water Pressure which can cause damage in your home. I've visited homes with entire basements that have flooded because their PRV had failed and their pipes ruptured. This is a situation that could have been prevented - by having the water pressure tested, and replacing the PRV when it was no longer doing it's job." - David Halcomb

PRV from box
Pressure Reducing Valve
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