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Halcomb Plumbing, Inc.


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Water Submeters

Pulse and

Gallon Meters

Large and
Small Multi-Building

Interior Sub-meters
and Meter Reading

DIagnostics /
Locate Leaking Areas
Halcomb Plumbing submeter installation

Installation of Submeters


Check per Gallon Usage Without Entering
the Leased Space

WIFI Enabled
Meter Reading Technology

Upgrading of Older
Analog Meter Readers
Submeters being mounted on wall
Submeter face Neptune meter
Submeter installation 2
Submeter reader

Why Use Submeters?

  • ​Submetering provides the capability to accurately track water usage at your Commercial Property in real time - for both accurate tenant billing and leak reporting diagnostics.
  • Much easier to isolate and track water usage after receiving a massive water bill that either remains strangely high, increases over time, or skyrockets to thousands of dollars
  • As Commercial Properties age, the plumbing systems and fixtures age with them. We recommend adding submeters upgrading the property. 
Submeter install
Submeter mounted on outside brick wall
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